1. Accueil
  2.  > 
  3. Crèches
  4.  > 
  5. Nouvelle-Aquitaine
  6.  > 
  7. Gironde
  8.  > 
  9. Cenon
  10.  > 
  11. Les Petits Enfants Cenon

Les Petits Enfants Cenon

Micro-crèche à Cenon (33150)

Informations de contact et détails de l'établissement Les Petits Enfants Cenon, Micro-crèche à Cenon.

Les Petits Enfants Cenon
Les Petits Enfants Cenon
Vous cherchez une place en crèche ? Faire votre demande en ligne


Les Petits Enfants Cenon
13 rue Aristide Briand
33150 Cenon


Email :


7h - 19h
7h - 19h
7h - 19h
7h - 19h
7h - 19h


de 2 mois et demi à 4 ans
  • À la journée
  • Plusieurs jours par semaine
  • À la demi-journée

Modifier la crèche

Périodes de fermeture

1 semaine à Noël
2 semaines au mois d’août.


Remplir un dossier de préinscription. Il est disponible sur le site internet : lespetitsenfants.fr

Documents à fournir

  • Attestation d'assurance respons. civile
  • Attestation de carte vitale
  • Autorisation de sortie
  • Autorisation de transport à l'hopital et hospitalisation
  • Avis d'imposition
  • Carnet de santé et vaccinations à jour
  • Certif. d'aptitude à la collectivité
  • Chèque de caution
  • Dossier d'inscription
  • Ext. d'acte de naissance ou livret de famille
  • Numéro allocataire CAF
  • Numéro de Sécu. dont dépend l'enfant
  • Ordonnance médicale pour prise d'antipyrétique
  • Règlement intérieur signé
Warning: Undefined array key "type" in /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/AbstractStation.php on line 202Call Stack: 0.0005 382256 1. {main}() /home/allocreche/allocreche.fr/1.1/web/index.php:0 0.0230 2248936 2. Milk\Mvc\Kernel->boot() /home/allocreche/allocreche.fr/1.1/web/index.php:157 0.0269 2439264 3. Milk\Component\Kernel->boot() /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Mvc/Kernel.php:194 0.0294 2515408 4. Milk\Component\Kernel->_launch($config = class Milk\Core\Config { protected $data = ['callable' => class Milk\Core\Config { ... }, 'arguments' => class Milk\Core\Config { ... }]; protected $position = 2; protected $keys = [0 => 'callable', 1 => 'arguments'] }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/Kernel.php:119 0.0294 2515408 5. Milk\Component\Kernel->_createInstanceFromCallable($config = class Milk\Core\Config { protected $data = ['callable' => class Milk\Core\Config { ... }, 'arguments' => class Milk\Core\Config { ... }]; protected $position = 2; protected $keys = [0 => 'callable', 1 => 'arguments'] }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/Kernel.php:184 0.0300 2545608 6. call_user_func_array:{/home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/Kernel.php:284}($callback = [0 => 'Milk\\Mvc\\FrontController', 1 => 'run'], $args = [0 => class Milk\Dpi\ServiceLocator { protected $namePattern = '[a-z]((_)?[a-z0-9])*'; protected $parameters = [...]; protected $services = [...]; protected $serviceConfigurations = [...]; protected $serviceParameters = [...] }]) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/Kernel.php:284 0.0300 2545680 7. Milk\Mvc\FrontController::run($serviceLocator = class Milk\Dpi\ServiceLocator { protected $namePattern = '[a-z]((_)?[a-z0-9])*'; protected $parameters = []; protected $services = ['servicelocator' => ..., 'autoloader' => class Milk\Core\Autoloader { ... }, 'eventdispatcher' => class Milk\Dpi\Event\Dispatcher { ... }, 'registry' => class Milk\Component\Registry { ... }, 'pagecache' => class Milk\Core\Cache { ... }, 'request' => class Milk\Mvc\Request\HttpRequest { ... }, 'router' => class MilkApp\Lib\Mvc\Router\HttpRouter { ... }, 'assembler' => class Milk\Component\Assembler { ... }, 'response' => class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { ... }, 'config' => class MilkApp\Lib\Component\Config { ... }, 'attempt' => class MilkApp\Lib\Component\Attempt { ... }, 'database' => class Milk\Core\Database { ... }, 'spinner' => class MilkApp\Lib\Component\Spinner { ... }, 'renderer' => class MilkApp\Lib\Mvc\Renderer\HttpRenderer { ... }, 'helpercache' => class Milk\Core\Cache { ... }]; protected $serviceConfigurations = ['eventdispatcher' => [...], 'registry' => [...], 'assembler' => [...], 'helpercache' => [...], 'pagecache' => [...], 'maincache' => [...], 'spinner' => [...], 'pattern' => [...], 'database' => [...], 'auth' => [...], 'config' => [...], 'mailer' => [...], 'attempt' => [...], 'request' => [...], 'response' => [...], 'server' => [...], 'router' => [...], 'consolerouter' => [...], 'renderer' => [...]]; protected $serviceParameters = [] }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/Kernel.php:284 0.0841 6218272 8. Milk\Dpi\Event\Dispatcher->notifyUntil($event = class Milk\Mvc\Event { protected $namePattern = '#^[a-z]+((\\.|_)?[a-z]+)*$#'; protected $subject = class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { protected $headers = [...]; protected $content = ''; protected $statusCode = 200; protected $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1'; protected $statusMessages = [...]; protected $acceptedCookiePartNames = [...]; protected $acceptedDateFormats = [...]; protected $defaultStrictTransportSecurityParameters = [...]; protected $responseParameters = [...]; protected $responseStacks = [...]; protected $isPrepared = FALSE }; protected $parameters = ['request' => class Milk\Mvc\Request\HttpRequest { ... }]; protected $name = 'mvc.prepare'; protected $returnValue = NULL; protected $processed = FALSE; protected $next = NULL }, $closure = ???) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Mvc/FrontController.php:112 0.0841 6218872 9. Milk\Mvc\Application\Listener->notify($event = class Milk\Mvc\Event { protected $namePattern = '#^[a-z]+((\\.|_)?[a-z]+)*$#'; protected $subject = class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { protected $headers = [...]; protected $content = ''; protected $statusCode = 200; protected $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1'; protected $statusMessages = [...]; protected $acceptedCookiePartNames = [...]; protected $acceptedDateFormats = [...]; protected $defaultStrictTransportSecurityParameters = [...]; protected $responseParameters = [...]; protected $responseStacks = [...]; protected $isPrepared = FALSE }; protected $parameters = ['request' => class Milk\Mvc\Request\HttpRequest { ... }]; protected $name = 'mvc.prepare'; protected $returnValue = NULL; protected $processed = FALSE; protected $next = NULL }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Dpi/Event/Dispatcher.php:226 0.0841 6218872 10. Milk\Mvc\Application->prepare($event = class Milk\Mvc\Event { protected $namePattern = '#^[a-z]+((\\.|_)?[a-z]+)*$#'; protected $subject = class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { protected $headers = [...]; protected $content = ''; protected $statusCode = 200; protected $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1'; protected $statusMessages = [...]; protected $acceptedCookiePartNames = [...]; protected $acceptedDateFormats = [...]; protected $defaultStrictTransportSecurityParameters = [...]; protected $responseParameters = [...]; protected $responseStacks = [...]; protected $isPrepared = FALSE }; protected $parameters = ['request' => class Milk\Mvc\Request\HttpRequest { ... }]; protected $name = 'mvc.prepare'; protected $returnValue = NULL; protected $processed = FALSE; protected $next = NULL }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Mvc/Application/Listener.php:52 0.0863 6276056 11. MilkApp\Lib\Mvc\Renderer\HttpRenderer->render($response = class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { protected $headers = []; protected $content = ''; protected $statusCode = 200; protected $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1'; protected $statusMessages = [100 => 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', 102 => 'Processing', 118 => 'Connection timed out', 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', 207 => 'Multi-Status', 210 => 'Content Different', 226 => 'IM Used', 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'Permanent Redirect', 309 => 'Too many Redirects', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Timeout', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 => 'Request-URI Too Long', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation Failed', 418 => 'I’m a teapot', 420 => 'Enhance Your Calm', 422 => 'Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'Locked', 424 => 'Method failure', 425 => 'Unordered Collection', 426 => 'Upgrade Required', 428 => 'Precondition Required', 429 => 'Too Many Requests', 431 => 'Request Header Fields Too Large', 440 => 'Login Timeout', 444 => 'No Response', 449 => 'Retry With', 450 => 'Blocked by Windows Parental Controls', 451 => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 456 => 'Unrecoverable Error', 494 => 'Request Header Too Large', 495 => 'Cert Error', 496 => 'No Cert', 497 => 'HTTP to HTTPS', 499 => 'Client Closed Request', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'Loop Detected', 509 => 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', 510 => 'Not Extended', 511 => 'Network Authentication Required', 520 => 'Origin Error', 522 => 'Connection timed out', 523 => 'Proxy Declined Request', 524 => 'A timeout occurred']; protected $acceptedCookiePartNames = [0 => 'comment', 1 => 'domain', 2 => 'max-age', 3 => 'path', 4 => 'secure', 5 => 'httponly', 6 => 'version', 7 => 'expires']; protected $acceptedDateFormats = [0 => 'D, d M Y H:i:s O', 1 => 'l, d-M-y H:i:s T', 2 => 'l M j H:i:s Y']; protected $defaultStrictTransportSecurityParameters = ['maxAge' => 600, 'includeSubdomains' => FALSE]; protected $responseParameters = ['layoutName' => 'www', '_cacheTime' => TRUE, '_logRequest' => TRUE, '_htmlFormatter' => 'standard', 'values' => [...], 'viewName' => 'view', '_entityTable' => 'Place\\Place', '_entityId' => 18613, '_cacheTags' => [...]]; protected $responseStacks = ['layoutPaths' => [...], 'viewPaths' => [...], 'zonePaths' => [...]]; protected $isPrepared = FALSE }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Mvc/Application.php:198 0.0863 6276056 12. MilkApp\Lib\Mvc\Renderer\HttpRenderer->_renderLayout($response = class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { protected $headers = []; protected $content = ''; protected $statusCode = 200; protected $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1'; protected $statusMessages = [100 => 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', 102 => 'Processing', 118 => 'Connection timed out', 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', 207 => 'Multi-Status', 210 => 'Content Different', 226 => 'IM Used', 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'Permanent Redirect', 309 => 'Too many Redirects', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Timeout', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 => 'Request-URI Too Long', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation Failed', 418 => 'I’m a teapot', 420 => 'Enhance Your Calm', 422 => 'Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'Locked', 424 => 'Method failure', 425 => 'Unordered Collection', 426 => 'Upgrade Required', 428 => 'Precondition Required', 429 => 'Too Many Requests', 431 => 'Request Header Fields Too Large', 440 => 'Login Timeout', 444 => 'No Response', 449 => 'Retry With', 450 => 'Blocked by Windows Parental Controls', 451 => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 456 => 'Unrecoverable Error', 494 => 'Request Header Too Large', 495 => 'Cert Error', 496 => 'No Cert', 497 => 'HTTP to HTTPS', 499 => 'Client Closed Request', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'Loop Detected', 509 => 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', 510 => 'Not Extended', 511 => 'Network Authentication Required', 520 => 'Origin Error', 522 => 'Connection timed out', 523 => 'Proxy Declined Request', 524 => 'A timeout occurred']; 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Rapprocher les générations et favoriser la mixité intergénérationnelle en faisant cohabiter micro-crèche et résidences seniors, voilà notre projet.', 'manager' => 'Mme AUGERAUD', 'public' => [...], 'closingPeriods' => '1 semaine à Noël\r\n2 semaines au mois d’août.', 'homeType' => [...], 'admissionRequirements' => [...], 'registrationDocuments' => [...], 'isPsu' => 0, 'isPhoneChecked' => 1, 'hasPicture' => 1, 'hasCallcenter' => 1, 'isHidden' => 0, 'placeState' => 1, 'pubDate' => '2018-08-10 17:34:55', 'editDate' => NULL, 'periodHits' => 3, 'totalHits' => 44, 'periodShares' => 0, 'totalShares' => 0, 'state' => 5, 'fakeState' => 0, 'frs2_umi' => 'GG-FR-SUB2-33', 'frs2_frs1_id' => '75', 'frs2_title' => 'Gironde', 'frs2_alias' => 'gironde', 'frs2_gentilic' => 'Girondins, Girondines', 'frs2_latitude' => 44.849667, 'frs2_longitude' => -0.450237, 'frs2_radius' => 56.42, 'frs2_population' => 1421659, 'frs1_id' => '75', 'frs1_umi' => 'GG-FR-SUB1-75', 'frs1_title' => 'Nouvelle-Aquitaine', 'frs1_alias' => 'nouvelle-aquitaine', 'frs1_gentilic' => NULL, 'frs1_latitude' => 45.041668, 'frs1_longitude' => -0.127222, 'frs1_radius' => 163.58, 'frs1_population' => 5844177, 'frc_umi' => 'GG-FR-CITY-013038', 'frc_frs1_id' => '75', 'frc_frs2_id' => '33', 'frc_title' => 'Cenon', 'frc_alias' => 'cenon', 'frc_postalCode' => '33150', 'frc_postalCodes' => NULL, 'frc_cityCode' => '33119', 'frc_latitude' => 44.857777, 'frc_longitude' => -0.531667, 'frc_radius' => 1.33, 'frc_area' => 5.52, 'frc_population' => 26278, 'frc_populationPlus' => 231, 'frc_minElevation' => 3, 'frc_maxElevation' => 75, 'frc_gentilic' => 'Cenonnais, Cenonnaises', 'frc_chefLieu' => '1', 'frc_useAlias' => 0, 'plb_umi' => NULL, 'plb_frs2_id' => NULL, 'plb_frc_id' => NULL, 'plb_frcp_id' => NULL, 'plb_title' => NULL, 'plb_alias' => NULL, 'plb_intro' => NULL, 'plb_text' => NULL, 'plb_type' => NULL, 'plb_companyName' => NULL, 'plb_SIRET' => NULL, 'plb_address' => NULL, 'plb_city' => NULL, 'plb_latitude' => NULL, 'plb_longitude' => NULL, 'plb_email' => NULL, 'plb_phone' => NULL, 'plb_fax' => NULL, 'plb_website' => NULL, 'plb_hasPicture' => NULL, 'plb_hasCallcenter' => NULL, 'plb_pubDate' => NULL, 'plb_editDate' => NULL, 'plb_periodHits' => NULL, 'plb_totalHits' => NULL, 'plb_periodShares' => NULL, 'plb_totalShares' => NULL, 'plt_title' => 'Micro-crèche', 'plt_alias' => 'micro-creche', 'plt_seoTitle' => 'Micro-crèches', 'plt_intro' => 'Micro-crèche', 'plt_text' => '', 'plt_tags' => NULL, 'plt_hasPicture' => 0, 'plt_pictureLegend' => NULL, 'plt_pubDate' => '2011-11-15 18:28:44', 'plt_editDate' => '2012-06-04 15:12:07', 'plt_periodHits' => 0, 'plt_totalHits' => 0, 'plt_periodShares' => 0, 'plt_totalShares' => 0, 'plt_order' => 0, 'ville' => [...], 'departement' => [...], 'region' => [...], 'brand' => [...], 'type' => [...], 'base36_id' => 'ed1', ...], '_modules' => [0 => 'main', 1 => 'address', 2 => 'blog', 3 => 'faq', 4 => 'glossary', 5 => 'news', 6 => 'page', 7 => 'place', 8 => 'shortnews', 9 => 'webdirectory']], $zones = ???, $content = ???) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Lib/Mvc/Renderer/HttpRenderer.php:176 0.0916 6342544 13. 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Rapprocher les générations et favoriser la mixité intergénérationnelle en faisant cohabiter micro-crèche et résidences seniors, voilà notre projet.', 'manager' => 'Mme AUGERAUD', 'public' => [...], 'closingPeriods' => '1 semaine à Noël\r\n2 semaines au mois d’août.', 'homeType' => [...], 'admissionRequirements' => [...], 'registrationDocuments' => [...], 'isPsu' => 0, 'isPhoneChecked' => 1, 'hasPicture' => 1, 'hasCallcenter' => 1, 'isHidden' => 0, 'placeState' => 1, 'pubDate' => '2018-08-10 17:34:55', 'editDate' => NULL, 'periodHits' => 3, 'totalHits' => 44, 'periodShares' => 0, 'totalShares' => 0, 'state' => 5, 'fakeState' => 0, 'frs2_umi' => 'GG-FR-SUB2-33', 'frs2_frs1_id' => '75', 'frs2_title' => 'Gironde', 'frs2_alias' => 'gironde', 'frs2_gentilic' => 'Girondins, Girondines', 'frs2_latitude' => 44.849667, 'frs2_longitude' => -0.450237, 'frs2_radius' => 56.42, 'frs2_population' => 1421659, 'frs1_id' => '75', 'frs1_umi' => 'GG-FR-SUB1-75', 'frs1_title' => 'Nouvelle-Aquitaine', 'frs1_alias' => 'nouvelle-aquitaine', 'frs1_gentilic' => NULL, 'frs1_latitude' => 45.041668, 'frs1_longitude' => -0.127222, 'frs1_radius' => 163.58, 'frs1_population' => 5844177, 'frc_umi' => 'GG-FR-CITY-013038', 'frc_frs1_id' => '75', 'frc_frs2_id' => '33', 'frc_title' => 'Cenon', 'frc_alias' => 'cenon', 'frc_postalCode' => '33150', 'frc_postalCodes' => NULL, 'frc_cityCode' => '33119', 'frc_latitude' => 44.857777, 'frc_longitude' => -0.531667, 'frc_radius' => 1.33, 'frc_area' => 5.52, 'frc_population' => 26278, 'frc_populationPlus' => 231, 'frc_minElevation' => 3, 'frc_maxElevation' => 75, 'frc_gentilic' => 'Cenonnais, Cenonnaises', 'frc_chefLieu' => '1', 'frc_useAlias' => 0, 'plb_umi' => NULL, 'plb_frs2_id' => NULL, 'plb_frc_id' => NULL, 'plb_frcp_id' => NULL, 'plb_title' => NULL, 'plb_alias' => NULL, 'plb_intro' => NULL, 'plb_text' => NULL, 'plb_type' => NULL, 'plb_companyName' => NULL, 'plb_SIRET' => NULL, 'plb_address' => NULL, 'plb_city' => NULL, 'plb_latitude' => NULL, 'plb_longitude' => NULL, 'plb_email' => NULL, 'plb_phone' => NULL, 'plb_fax' => NULL, 'plb_website' => NULL, 'plb_hasPicture' => NULL, 'plb_hasCallcenter' => NULL, 'plb_pubDate' => NULL, 'plb_editDate' => NULL, 'plb_periodHits' => NULL, 'plb_totalHits' => NULL, 'plb_periodShares' => NULL, 'plb_totalShares' => NULL, 'plt_title' => 'Micro-crèche', 'plt_alias' => 'micro-creche', 'plt_seoTitle' => 'Micro-crèches', 'plt_intro' => 'Micro-crèche', 'plt_text' => '', 'plt_tags' => NULL, 'plt_hasPicture' => 0, 'plt_pictureLegend' => NULL, 'plt_pubDate' => '2011-11-15 18:28:44', 'plt_editDate' => '2012-06-04 15:12:07', 'plt_periodHits' => 0, 'plt_totalHits' => 0, 'plt_periodShares' => 0, 'plt_totalShares' => 0, 'plt_order' => 0, 'ville' => [...], 'departement' => [...], 'region' => [...], 'brand' => [...], 'type' => [...], 'base36_id' => 'ed1', ...], '_modules' => [0 => 'main', 1 => 'address', 2 => 'blog', 3 => 'faq', 4 => 'glossary', 5 => 'news', 6 => 'page', 7 => 'place', 8 => 'shortnews', 9 => 'webdirectory']]) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Lib/Mvc/Renderer/HttpRenderer/Layout.php:81 0.1075 6433248 17. Milk\Component\View->render() /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Lib/Mvc/Renderer/HttpRenderer.php:119 0.1078 6497992 18. include('/home/allocreche/allocreche.fr/1.1/app/Module/Place/_views/www/place/view.phtml') /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/View.php:72 0.1235 6872504 19. MilkApp\Model\Transport\Helper\AbstractAroundHelper->help($parameters = ['latitude' => '44.857471', 'longitude' => '-0.524588']) /home/allocreche/allocreche.fr/1.1/app/Module/Place/_views/www/place/view.phtml:339 0.1235 6872504 20. MilkApp\Model\Transport\Helper\AbstractAroundHelper->getTransportAroundHtml($parameters = ['latitude' => '44.857471', 'longitude' => '-0.524588']) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/Helper/AbstractAroundHelper.php:50 0.1235 6872504 21. MilkApp\Model\Transport\Helper\AbstractAroundHelper->loadTransports($latitude = '44.857471', $longitude = '-0.524588') /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/Traits/AroundHelperTrait.php:128 1.9551 8715656 22. MilkApp\Model\Transport\Transport->loadAllStationsAround($type = 9, $latitude = '44.857471', $longitude = '-0.524588', $options = ['precision' => 0.6, 'count' => 4]) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/Traits/AroundHelperTrait.php:196 1.9551 8716672 23. MilkApp\Model\AbstractModel->gets($parameters = ['latitude' => '44.857471', 'longitude' => '-0.524588', 'precision' => 0.6, 'count' => 4]) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/Transport.php:71 1.9552 8719208 24. MilkApp\Model\Transport\Bicycle\Station->_gets($parameters = ['latitude' => '44.857471', 'longitude' => '-0.524588', 'precision' => 0.6, 'count' => 4], $select = class Milk\Core\Database\Query\SelectQuery { protected $order = ['SELECT' => '', 'DISTINCT' => '', 'COLUMNS' => '', 0 => 'FROM', 'JOINS' => '', 1 => 'WHERE', 2 => 'GROUP BY', 3 => 'HAVING', 4 => 'ORDER BY', 5 => 'LIMIT']; protected $query = ['SELECT' => 'SELECT', 'FROM' => '`transport_bicycle_station-trbs`', 'JOINS' => [...]]; protected $boundValues = []; protected $autoInc = 0; protected $columns = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...]] }) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/AbstractModel.php:304 1.9552 8719208 25. MilkApp\Model\Transport\AbstractStation->applyLatLngParameters($parameters = ['latitude' => '44.857471', 'longitude' => '-0.524588', 'precision' => 0.6, 'count' => 4], $select = class Milk\Core\Database\Query\SelectQuery { protected $order = ['SELECT' => '', 'DISTINCT' => '', 'COLUMNS' => '', 0 => 'FROM', 'JOINS' => '', 1 => 'WHERE', 2 => 'GROUP BY', 3 => 'HAVING', 4 => 'ORDER BY', 5 => 'LIMIT']; protected $query = ['SELECT' => 'SELECT', 'FROM' => '`transport_bicycle_station-trbs`', 'JOINS' => [...]]; protected $boundValues = []; protected $autoInc = 0; protected $columns = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...]] }) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/Bicycle/Station.php:155

Comment s'y rendre

En bus


  • 32Arrêt Aristide Briand à 50 m

Sélectionnez la ligne pour voir l'arrêt.

En vélo

Station: Cenon Gare à 752 mAdresse: 4 Rue Edouard VaillantCapacité: 18 vélos

Station: Buttinière à 763 mAdresse: 19 Square Pierre BeziatCapacité: 20 vélos



Les petits enfants est une société de micro-crèches privées à laquelle SYNERGIES@VENIR s’est associée afin de proposer des places en crèche où le lien intergénérationnel est à l’honneur. Rapprocher les générations et favoriser la mixité intergénérationnelle en faisant cohabiter micro-crèche et résidences seniors, voilà notre projet.

AlloCreche 33

AlloCreche, le portail de la petite enfance, vous fournit la liste des crèches de la Gironde, ou encore des informations, actualités locales du 33, conseils pratiques, etc. Consultez par exemple les meilleures structures d'accueil à Bordeaux, Mérignac, Pessac, Talence, Villenave-d'Ornon et dans les villes de ce département.

Crèches aux environs

Micro-crèche à Cenon (33150) - Réseau Chérubins, réseau de micro-crèches

Micro-crèche l'Art des Bébés by les Chérubins

Adresse : Micro-crèche l'Art des Bébés by les Chérubins 27 Chemin Cailly 33150 CENON

Horaires : Du lundi au vendredi de 07h30 à 19h00

12 places

Micro-crèche à Cenon (33150)


Adresse : L'Amicro 8 Square Maurice Rivière 33150 Cenon

Horaires : Du lundi au vendredi de 08h30 à 17h30 Amicro crèche 2: les lundi, mardi, jeudi et vendredis de 7h30 à 18h30 et de 7h30 à 19h30 pour les mercredis

18 places

Multi-accueil à Cenon (33150)

La Colline

Adresse : La Colline Rue du Professeur Paul Langevin 33150 Cenon

Horaires : le lundi de 09h00 à 14h00 le mardi de 14h00 à 17h30 le mercredi de 09h00 à 14h00 le jeudi de 14h00 à 17h30 le vendredi de 09h00 à 14h00

18 places

Multi-accueil à Cenon (33150)

Françoise Dolto

Adresse : Françoise Dolto 11 Rue Paul Valéry 33150 Cenon

Horaires : le lundi de 09h00 à 17h30 le mardi de 09h00 à 12h00 et de 14h30 à 17h30 le mercredi de 09h00 à 17h30 le jeudi de 09h00 à 12h00 et de 14h30 à 17h30 le vendredi de 09h00 à 17h30

18 places

Le grand site de la petite enfance