1. Accueil
  2.  > 
  3. Crèches
  4.  > 
  5. Grand-Est
  6.  > 
  7. Bas-Rhin
  8.  > 
  9. Wolfisheim
  10.  > 
  11. Cocci'Bulles


Micro-crèche à Wolfisheim (67202) - Réseau Les crèches de Tilio

Informations de contact et détails de l'établissement Cocci'Bulles, Micro-crèche à Wolfisheim.

Vous cherchez une place en crèche ? Faire votre demande en ligne


2B Allée des Romains
67202 Wolfisheim


7h - 19h
7h - 19h
7h - 19h
7h - 19h
7h - 19h


de 2 mois et demi à 4 ans
  • À l'heure
  • À la journée
  • À la demi-journée
  • Entre 12H et 14H
Jelato SARL

Modifier la crèche

Warning: Undefined array key "type" in /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/AbstractStation.php on line 202Call Stack: 0.0003 382416 1. {main}() /home/allocreche/allocreche.fr/1.1/web/index.php:0 0.0303 2249096 2. Milk\Mvc\Kernel->boot() /home/allocreche/allocreche.fr/1.1/web/index.php:157 0.0363 2439424 3. Milk\Component\Kernel->boot() /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Mvc/Kernel.php:194 0.0391 2515568 4. Milk\Component\Kernel->_launch($config = class Milk\Core\Config { protected $data = ['callable' => class Milk\Core\Config { ... }, 'arguments' => class Milk\Core\Config { ... }]; protected $position = 2; protected $keys = [0 => 'callable', 1 => 'arguments'] }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/Kernel.php:119 0.0391 2515568 5. Milk\Component\Kernel->_createInstanceFromCallable($config = class Milk\Core\Config { protected $data = ['callable' => class Milk\Core\Config { ... }, 'arguments' => class Milk\Core\Config { ... }]; protected $position = 2; protected $keys = [0 => 'callable', 1 => 'arguments'] }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/Kernel.php:184 0.0398 2545768 6. call_user_func_array:{/home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/Kernel.php:284}($callback = [0 => 'Milk\\Mvc\\FrontController', 1 => 'run'], $args = [0 => class Milk\Dpi\ServiceLocator { protected $namePattern = '[a-z]((_)?[a-z0-9])*'; protected $parameters = [...]; protected $services = [...]; protected $serviceConfigurations = [...]; protected $serviceParameters = [...] }]) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/Kernel.php:284 0.0398 2545840 7. Milk\Mvc\FrontController::run($serviceLocator = class Milk\Dpi\ServiceLocator { protected $namePattern = '[a-z]((_)?[a-z0-9])*'; protected $parameters = []; protected $services = ['servicelocator' => ..., 'autoloader' => class Milk\Core\Autoloader { ... }, 'eventdispatcher' => class Milk\Dpi\Event\Dispatcher { ... }, 'registry' => class Milk\Component\Registry { ... }, 'pagecache' => class Milk\Core\Cache { ... }, 'request' => class Milk\Mvc\Request\HttpRequest { ... }, 'router' => class MilkApp\Lib\Mvc\Router\HttpRouter { ... }, 'assembler' => class Milk\Component\Assembler { ... }, 'response' => class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { ... }, 'config' => class MilkApp\Lib\Component\Config { ... }, 'attempt' => class MilkApp\Lib\Component\Attempt { ... }, 'database' => class Milk\Core\Database { ... }, 'spinner' => class MilkApp\Lib\Component\Spinner { ... }, 'renderer' => class MilkApp\Lib\Mvc\Renderer\HttpRenderer { ... }, 'helpercache' => class Milk\Core\Cache { ... }]; protected $serviceConfigurations = ['eventdispatcher' => [...], 'registry' => [...], 'assembler' => [...], 'helpercache' => [...], 'pagecache' => [...], 'maincache' => [...], 'spinner' => [...], 'pattern' => [...], 'database' => [...], 'auth' => [...], 'config' => [...], 'mailer' => [...], 'attempt' => [...], 'request' => [...], 'response' => [...], 'server' => [...], 'router' => [...], 'consolerouter' => [...], 'renderer' => [...]]; protected $serviceParameters = [] }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/Kernel.php:284 0.0957 6241112 8. Milk\Dpi\Event\Dispatcher->notifyUntil($event = class Milk\Mvc\Event { protected $namePattern = '#^[a-z]+((\\.|_)?[a-z]+)*$#'; protected $subject = class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { protected $headers = [...]; protected $content = ''; protected $statusCode = 200; protected $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1'; protected $statusMessages = [...]; protected $acceptedCookiePartNames = [...]; protected $acceptedDateFormats = [...]; protected $defaultStrictTransportSecurityParameters = [...]; protected $responseParameters = [...]; protected $responseStacks = [...]; protected $isPrepared = FALSE }; protected $parameters = ['request' => class Milk\Mvc\Request\HttpRequest { ... }]; protected $name = 'mvc.prepare'; protected $returnValue = NULL; protected $processed = FALSE; protected $next = NULL }, $closure = ???) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Mvc/FrontController.php:112 0.0958 6241712 9. Milk\Mvc\Application\Listener->notify($event = class Milk\Mvc\Event { protected $namePattern = '#^[a-z]+((\\.|_)?[a-z]+)*$#'; protected $subject = class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { protected $headers = [...]; protected $content = ''; protected $statusCode = 200; protected $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1'; protected $statusMessages = [...]; protected $acceptedCookiePartNames = [...]; protected $acceptedDateFormats = [...]; protected $defaultStrictTransportSecurityParameters = [...]; protected $responseParameters = [...]; protected $responseStacks = [...]; protected $isPrepared = FALSE }; protected $parameters = ['request' => class Milk\Mvc\Request\HttpRequest { ... }]; protected $name = 'mvc.prepare'; protected $returnValue = NULL; protected $processed = FALSE; protected $next = NULL }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Dpi/Event/Dispatcher.php:226 0.0958 6241712 10. Milk\Mvc\Application->prepare($event = class Milk\Mvc\Event { protected $namePattern = '#^[a-z]+((\\.|_)?[a-z]+)*$#'; protected $subject = class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { protected $headers = [...]; protected $content = ''; protected $statusCode = 200; protected $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1'; protected $statusMessages = [...]; protected $acceptedCookiePartNames = [...]; protected $acceptedDateFormats = [...]; protected $defaultStrictTransportSecurityParameters = [...]; protected $responseParameters = [...]; protected $responseStacks = [...]; protected $isPrepared = FALSE }; protected $parameters = ['request' => class Milk\Mvc\Request\HttpRequest { ... }]; protected $name = 'mvc.prepare'; protected $returnValue = NULL; protected $processed = FALSE; protected $next = NULL }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Mvc/Application/Listener.php:52 0.0979 6298896 11. MilkApp\Lib\Mvc\Renderer\HttpRenderer->render($response = class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { protected $headers = []; protected $content = ''; protected $statusCode = 200; protected $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1'; protected $statusMessages = [100 => 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', 102 => 'Processing', 118 => 'Connection timed out', 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', 207 => 'Multi-Status', 210 => 'Content Different', 226 => 'IM Used', 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'Permanent Redirect', 309 => 'Too many Redirects', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Timeout', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 => 'Request-URI Too Long', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation Failed', 418 => 'I’m a teapot', 420 => 'Enhance Your Calm', 422 => 'Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'Locked', 424 => 'Method failure', 425 => 'Unordered Collection', 426 => 'Upgrade Required', 428 => 'Precondition Required', 429 => 'Too Many Requests', 431 => 'Request Header Fields Too Large', 440 => 'Login Timeout', 444 => 'No Response', 449 => 'Retry With', 450 => 'Blocked by Windows Parental Controls', 451 => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 456 => 'Unrecoverable Error', 494 => 'Request Header Too Large', 495 => 'Cert Error', 496 => 'No Cert', 497 => 'HTTP to HTTPS', 499 => 'Client Closed Request', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'Loop Detected', 509 => 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', 510 => 'Not Extended', 511 => 'Network Authentication Required', 520 => 'Origin Error', 522 => 'Connection timed out', 523 => 'Proxy Declined Request', 524 => 'A timeout occurred']; protected $acceptedCookiePartNames = [0 => 'comment', 1 => 'domain', 2 => 'max-age', 3 => 'path', 4 => 'secure', 5 => 'httponly', 6 => 'version', 7 => 'expires']; protected $acceptedDateFormats = [0 => 'D, d M Y H:i:s O', 1 => 'l, d-M-y H:i:s T', 2 => 'l M j H:i:s Y']; protected $defaultStrictTransportSecurityParameters = ['maxAge' => 600, 'includeSubdomains' => FALSE]; protected $responseParameters = ['layoutName' => 'www', '_cacheTime' => TRUE, '_logRequest' => TRUE, '_htmlFormatter' => 'standard', 'values' => [...], 'viewName' => 'view', '_entityTable' => 'Place\\Place', '_entityId' => 17598, '_cacheTags' => [...]]; protected $responseStacks = ['layoutPaths' => [...], 'viewPaths' => [...], 'zonePaths' => [...]]; protected $isPrepared = FALSE }) /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Mvc/Application.php:198 0.0980 6298896 12. MilkApp\Lib\Mvc\Renderer\HttpRenderer->_renderLayout($response = class Milk\Mvc\Response\HttpResponse { protected $headers = []; protected $content = ''; protected $statusCode = 200; protected $protocol = 'HTTP/1.1'; protected $statusMessages = [100 => 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', 102 => 'Processing', 118 => 'Connection timed out', 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', 207 => 'Multi-Status', 210 => 'Content Different', 226 => 'IM Used', 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'Permanent Redirect', 309 => 'Too many Redirects', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Timeout', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 => 'Request-URI Too Long', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation Failed', 418 => 'I’m a teapot', 420 => 'Enhance Your Calm', 422 => 'Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'Locked', 424 => 'Method failure', 425 => 'Unordered Collection', 426 => 'Upgrade Required', 428 => 'Precondition Required', 429 => 'Too Many Requests', 431 => 'Request Header Fields Too Large', 440 => 'Login Timeout', 444 => 'No Response', 449 => 'Retry With', 450 => 'Blocked by Windows Parental Controls', 451 => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 456 => 'Unrecoverable Error', 494 => 'Request Header Too Large', 495 => 'Cert Error', 496 => 'No Cert', 497 => 'HTTP to HTTPS', 499 => 'Client Closed Request', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'Loop Detected', 509 => 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', 510 => 'Not Extended', 511 => 'Network Authentication Required', 520 => 'Origin Error', 522 => 'Connection timed out', 523 => 'Proxy Declined Request', 524 => 'A timeout occurred']; protected $acceptedCookiePartNames = [0 => 'comment', 1 => 'domain', 2 => 'max-age', 3 => 'path', 4 => 'secure', 5 => 'httponly', 6 => 'version', 7 => 'expires']; protected $acceptedDateFormats = [0 => 'D, d M Y H:i:s O', 1 => 'l, d-M-y H:i:s T', 2 => 'l M j H:i:s Y']; protected $defaultStrictTransportSecurityParameters = ['maxAge' => 600, 'includeSubdomains' => FALSE]; protected $responseParameters = ['layoutName' => 'www', '_cacheTime' => TRUE, '_logRequest' => TRUE, '_htmlFormatter' => 'standard', 'values' => [...], 'viewName' => 'view', '_entityTable' => 'Place\\Place', '_entityId' => 17598, '_cacheTags' => [...]]; protected $responseStacks = ['layoutPaths' => [...], 'viewPaths' => [...], 'zonePaths' => [...]]; protected $isPrepared = FALSE }, $values = ['headAssetsCssVersion' => '11231107', 'headAssetsJsVersion' => '11291238', '_envDev' => FALSE, 'headSocialImage' => 'https://allocreche.fr/media/creche/cocci-bulles-17598-t.jpg', 'headSocialUrl' => 'https://allocreche.fr/67/wolfisheim/cocci-bulles-dku', 'breadcrumbLinks' => ['/' => 'Accueil', '/creche/' => 'Crèches', '/grand-est/' => 'Grand-Est', '/67/' => 'Bas-Rhin', '/67/wolfisheim/' => 'Wolfisheim', '/67/wolfisheim/cocci-bulles-dku' => 'Cocci\'Bulles'], 'headTitle' => 'Cocci\'Bulles - Micro-crèche Wolfisheim - AlloCreche', 'headUppercaseTitle' => '0', 'headSocialTitle' => 'Cocci\'Bulles (Micro-crèche Wolfisheim)', 'headBreadcrumbLabel' => 'Cocci\'Bulles', 'headBreadcrumbParent' => 'www.place.index\r\nwww.place.region_view:region\r\nwww.place.departement_view:departement\r\nwww.place.ville_view:ville', 'headDescription' => 'Coordonnées de la structure Cocci\'Bulles, Micro-crèche à Wolfisheim (67202) : adresse, plan d\'accès, téléphone, horaires, etc.', 'headSiteTitle' => 'AlloCreche', 'headCopyright' => 'AlloCreche', 'headKeywords' => 'creche,enfance,creches,garderies,AlloCreche,petite enfance', 'headAuthor' => 'AlloCreche', 'headBreadcrumbHomeLabel' => 'Accueil', 'headBreadcrumbLinkLast' => '0', 'headBreadcrumbPageLabel' => 'Page 1', 'headBreadcrumbPageTitleSuffix' => '- Page 1', 'headRssTitle' => 'AlloCreche - Flux des mises à jour', 'headSocialDesc' => 'Coordonnées de la structure Cocci\'Bulles, Micro-crèche à Wolfisheim (67202) : adresse, plan d\'accès, téléphone, horaires, etc.', '_siteTitle' => 'AlloCreche', 'headRss' => ['/feed.xml' => 'AlloCreche - Flux des mises à jour'], '_requestModule' => 'place', '_requestController' => 'place', '_requestAction' => NULL, '_requestRoute' => 'www.place.place_view', '_modulo' => 17598, '_bodyClass' => 'creche', '_search' => '1', '_searchRadioLabel' => 'Dans les crèches', '_spinVars' => ['PLACE_NOM' => 'Cocci\'Bulles', 'PLACE_CODEPOSTAL' => '67202', 'PLACE_ADRESSE' => '2B Allée des Romains', 'PLACE_KEYWORDS' => 'cocci,bulles', 'DEPARTEMENT_NOM' => 'Bas-Rhin', 'DEPARTEMENT_CODE' => '67', 'DEPARTEMENT_DE_NOM' => 'du Bas-Rhin', 'DEPARTEMENT_LE_NOM' => 'le Bas-Rhin', 'DEPARTEMENT_ADJH' => 'Bas-Rhinois', 'DEPARTEMENT_ADJF' => 'Bas-Rhinoises', 'DEPARTEMENT_ID' => '67', 'VILLE_NOM' => 'Wolfisheim', 'VILLE_CODEPOSTAL' => '67202', 'VILLE_ADJH' => 'Wolfisheimois', 'VILLE_ADJF' => 'Wolfisheimoises', 'VILLE_ID' => 27619, 'REGION_NOM' => 'Grand-Est', 'REGION_DE_NOM' => 'du Grand-Est', 'REGION_LE_NOM' => 'le Grand-Est', 'REGION_EN_NOM' => 'dans le Grand-Est', 'REGION_ADJH' => '', 'REGION_ADJF' => '', 'REGION_ID' => '44', 'BRAND_NOM' => 'Les crèches de Tilio', 'BRAND_INTRO' => '', 'BRAND_KEYWORDS' => 'les,creches,de,tilio', 'PAGE_INTRO' => 'Les crèches de Tilio est un réseau de micro-crèches en plein développement (11 établissements en 2014). Parti de Strasbourg, nous nous ouvrons progressivement au territoire national. Ce concept a été créé par Clément ECKEL et Emmanuel SCHIEFER et se développe depuis 2010.', 'TYPE_NOM' => 'Micro-crèche', 'TYPE_SEOTITLE' => 'Micro-crèches', 'TYPE_INTRO' => 'Micro-crèche', 'TYPE_KEYWORDS' => 'micro,creche', 'PAGE_NUMBER' => 1, 'PAGE_COUNT' => 1, 'ITEM_COUNT' => 1, 'SITE_TITLE' => 'AlloCreche'], '_context' => NULL, '_geoVilId' => 27619, '_geoDepId' => '67', '_geoRegId' => '44', 'place' => ['id' => 17598, 'umi' => 'PL-EDU-CRE-017598', 'frs2_id' => '67', 'frc_id' => 27619, 'frcp_id' => NULL, 'plb_id' => 41, 'plt_id' => 7, 'title' => 'Cocci\'Bulles', 'alias' => 'cocci-bulles', 'openingHours' => '{"1":"07:00-19:00","2":"07:00-19:00","3":"07:00-19:00","4":"07:00-19:00","5":"07:00-19:00"}', 'address' => '2B Allée des Romains', 'city' => '67202 Wolfisheim', 'latitude' => '48.586624', 'longitude' => '7.661237', 'email' => 'coccibulle@tilio.net', 'phone' => '0811381020', 'phone2' => NULL, 'fax' => NULL, 'siteUrl' => 'http://www.tilio.fr/index.php/nos-creches/alsace/wolfisheim-cocci-bulles', 'isTravelling' => 0, 'nbPlaces' => 10, 'creation' => '2012', 'text' => '', 'manager' => 'Jelato SARL', 'public' => [...], 'closingPeriods' => NULL, 'homeType' => [...], 'admissionRequirements' => NULL, 'registrationDocuments' => NULL, 'isPsu' => 0, 'isPhoneChecked' => 1, 'hasPicture' => 1, 'hasCallcenter' => 1, 'isHidden' => 0, 'placeState' => 1, 'pubDate' => '2012-11-15 18:33:25', 'editDate' => '2014-03-06 15:52:54', 'periodHits' => 74, 'totalHits' => 775, 'periodShares' => 0, 'totalShares' => 0, 'state' => 5, 'fakeState' => 0, 'frs2_umi' => 'GG-FR-SUB2-67', 'frs2_frs1_id' => '44', 'frs2_title' => 'Bas-Rhin', 'frs2_alias' => 'bas-rhin', 'frs2_gentilic' => 'Bas-Rhinois, Bas-Rhinoises', 'frs2_latitude' => 48.634315, 'frs2_longitude' => 7.525294, 'frs2_radius' => 38.9, 'frs2_population' => 1096711, 'frs1_id' => '44', 'frs1_umi' => 'GG-FR-SUB1-44', 'frs1_title' => 'Grand-Est', 'frs1_alias' => 'grand-est', 'frs1_gentilic' => NULL, 'frs1_latitude' => 48.650555, 'frs1_longitude' => 5.690556, 'frs1_radius' => 135.21, 'frs1_population' => 5552388, 'frc_umi' => 'GG-FR-CITY-028022', 'frc_frs1_id' => '44', 'frc_frs2_id' => '67', 'frc_title' => 'Wolfisheim', 'frc_alias' => 'wolfisheim', 'frc_postalCode' => '67202', 'frc_postalCodes' => NULL, 'frc_cityCode' => '67551', 'frc_latitude' => 48.587502, 'frc_longitude' => 7.667222, 'frc_radius' => 1.33, 'frc_area' => 5.57, 'frc_population' => 4226, 'frc_populationPlus' => 55, 'frc_minElevation' => 141, 'frc_maxElevation' => 172, 'frc_gentilic' => 'Wolfisheimois, Wolfisheimoises', 'frc_chefLieu' => '0', 'frc_useAlias' => 0, 'plb_umi' => NULL, 'plb_frs2_id' => '67', 'plb_frc_id' => 27863, 'plb_frcp_id' => NULL, 'plb_title' => 'Les crèches de Tilio', 'plb_alias' => 'les-creches-de-tilio', 'plb_intro' => 'Les crèches de Tilio est un réseau de micro-crèches en plein développement (11 établissements en 2014). Parti de Strasbourg, nous nous ouvrons progressivement au territoire national. Ce concept a été créé par Clément ECKEL et Emmanuel SCHIEFER et se développe depuis 2010.', 'plb_text' => '

Le concept mis au point par ses deux fondateurs se veut d’un niveau qualitatif élevé. Aux enfants et leur famille, nous proposons un accueil en service premium respectant le rythme de chaque enfant. Nos équipes sont soigneusement choisies et ont pour mission principale d’apporter à chaque enfant l’attention dont il a besoin pour son propre développement. Nos crèches proposent également 10% de leur capacité d’accueil à des publics en difficulté ou des familles monoparentales dans le cadr'..., 'plb_type' => 0, 'plb_companyName' => NULL, 'plb_SIRET' => 'Réseau de part', 'plb_address' => '2A chemin du Routoir', 'plb_city' => '67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden', 'plb_latitude' => 48.532051, 'plb_longitude' => 7.734457, 'plb_email' => 'info@tilio.fr', 'plb_phone' => '0811381020', 'plb_fax' => NULL, 'plb_website' => 'http://www.tilio.fr/', 'plb_hasPicture' => 1, 'plb_hasCallcenter' => 1, 'plb_pubDate' => '2013-07-31 10:51:48', 'plb_editDate' => '2014-03-06 15:51:24', 'plb_periodHits' => 263, 'plb_totalHits' => 3176, 'plb_periodShares' => 0, 'plb_totalShares' => 0, 'plt_title' => 'Micro-crèche', 'plt_alias' => 'micro-creche', 'plt_seoTitle' => 'Micro-crèches', 'plt_intro' => 'Micro-crèche', 'plt_text' => '', 'plt_tags' => NULL, 'plt_hasPicture' => 0, 'plt_pictureLegend' => NULL, 'plt_pubDate' => '2011-11-15 18:28:44', 'plt_editDate' => '2012-06-04 15:12:07', 'plt_periodHits' => 0, 'plt_totalHits' => 0, 'plt_periodShares' => 0, 'plt_totalShares' => 0, 'plt_order' => 0, 'ville' => [...], 'departement' => [...], 'region' => [...], 'brand' => [...], 'type' => [...], 'base36_id' => 'dku', ...], '_modules' => [0 => 'main', 1 => 'address', 2 => 'blog', 3 => 'faq', 4 => 'glossary', 5 => 'news', 6 => 'page', 7 => 'place', 8 => 'shortnews', 9 => 'webdirectory']], $zones = ???, $content = ???) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Lib/Mvc/Renderer/HttpRenderer.php:176 0.1032 6365384 13. Milk\Component\View\Layout->render() /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Lib/Mvc/Renderer/HttpRenderer.php:90 0.1032 6388496 14. include('/home/allocreche/allocreche.fr/1.1/app/_layouts/www.phtml') /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/View/Layout.php:116 0.1182 6447736 15. MilkApp\Lib\Mvc\Renderer\HttpRenderer\Layout->getContent() /home/allocreche/allocreche.fr/1.1/app/_layouts/www.phtml:25 0.1182 6447736 16. 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Parti de Strasbourg, nous nous ouvrons progressivement au territoire national. Ce concept a été créé par Clément ECKEL et Emmanuel SCHIEFER et se développe depuis 2010.', 'TYPE_NOM' => 'Micro-crèche', 'TYPE_SEOTITLE' => 'Micro-crèches', 'TYPE_INTRO' => 'Micro-crèche', 'TYPE_KEYWORDS' => 'micro,creche', 'PAGE_NUMBER' => 1, 'PAGE_COUNT' => 1, 'ITEM_COUNT' => 1, 'SITE_TITLE' => 'AlloCreche'], '_context' => NULL, '_geoVilId' => 27619, '_geoDepId' => '67', '_geoRegId' => '44', 'place' => ['id' => 17598, 'umi' => 'PL-EDU-CRE-017598', 'frs2_id' => '67', 'frc_id' => 27619, 'frcp_id' => NULL, 'plb_id' => 41, 'plt_id' => 7, 'title' => 'Cocci\'Bulles', 'alias' => 'cocci-bulles', 'openingHours' => '{"1":"07:00-19:00","2":"07:00-19:00","3":"07:00-19:00","4":"07:00-19:00","5":"07:00-19:00"}', 'address' => '2B Allée des Romains', 'city' => '67202 Wolfisheim', 'latitude' => '48.586624', 'longitude' => '7.661237', 'email' => 'coccibulle@tilio.net', 'phone' => '0811381020', 'phone2' => NULL, 'fax' => NULL, 'siteUrl' => 'http://www.tilio.fr/index.php/nos-creches/alsace/wolfisheim-cocci-bulles', 'isTravelling' => 0, 'nbPlaces' => 10, 'creation' => '2012', 'text' => '', 'manager' => 'Jelato SARL', 'public' => [...], 'closingPeriods' => NULL, 'homeType' => [...], 'admissionRequirements' => NULL, 'registrationDocuments' => NULL, 'isPsu' => 0, 'isPhoneChecked' => 1, 'hasPicture' => 1, 'hasCallcenter' => 1, 'isHidden' => 0, 'placeState' => 1, 'pubDate' => '2012-11-15 18:33:25', 'editDate' => '2014-03-06 15:52:54', 'periodHits' => 74, 'totalHits' => 775, 'periodShares' => 0, 'totalShares' => 0, 'state' => 5, 'fakeState' => 0, 'frs2_umi' => 'GG-FR-SUB2-67', 'frs2_frs1_id' => '44', 'frs2_title' => 'Bas-Rhin', 'frs2_alias' => 'bas-rhin', 'frs2_gentilic' => 'Bas-Rhinois, Bas-Rhinoises', 'frs2_latitude' => 48.634315, 'frs2_longitude' => 7.525294, 'frs2_radius' => 38.9, 'frs2_population' => 1096711, 'frs1_id' => '44', 'frs1_umi' => 'GG-FR-SUB1-44', 'frs1_title' => 'Grand-Est', 'frs1_alias' => 'grand-est', 'frs1_gentilic' => NULL, 'frs1_latitude' => 48.650555, 'frs1_longitude' => 5.690556, 'frs1_radius' => 135.21, 'frs1_population' => 5552388, 'frc_umi' => 'GG-FR-CITY-028022', 'frc_frs1_id' => '44', 'frc_frs2_id' => '67', 'frc_title' => 'Wolfisheim', 'frc_alias' => 'wolfisheim', 'frc_postalCode' => '67202', 'frc_postalCodes' => NULL, 'frc_cityCode' => '67551', 'frc_latitude' => 48.587502, 'frc_longitude' => 7.667222, 'frc_radius' => 1.33, 'frc_area' => 5.57, 'frc_population' => 4226, 'frc_populationPlus' => 55, 'frc_minElevation' => 141, 'frc_maxElevation' => 172, 'frc_gentilic' => 'Wolfisheimois, Wolfisheimoises', 'frc_chefLieu' => '0', 'frc_useAlias' => 0, 'plb_umi' => NULL, 'plb_frs2_id' => '67', 'plb_frc_id' => 27863, 'plb_frcp_id' => NULL, 'plb_title' => 'Les crèches de Tilio', 'plb_alias' => 'les-creches-de-tilio', 'plb_intro' => 'Les crèches de Tilio est un réseau de micro-crèches en plein développement (11 établissements en 2014). Parti de Strasbourg, nous nous ouvrons progressivement au territoire national. Ce concept a été créé par Clément ECKEL et Emmanuel SCHIEFER et se développe depuis 2010.', 'plb_text' => '

Le concept mis au point par ses deux fondateurs se veut d’un niveau qualitatif élevé. Aux enfants et leur famille, nous proposons un accueil en service premium respectant le rythme de chaque enfant. Nos équipes sont soigneusement choisies et ont pour mission principale d’apporter à chaque enfant l’attention dont il a besoin pour son propre développement. Nos crèches proposent également 10% de leur capacité d’accueil à des publics en difficulté ou des familles monoparentales dans le cadr'..., 'plb_type' => 0, 'plb_companyName' => NULL, 'plb_SIRET' => 'Réseau de part', 'plb_address' => '2A chemin du Routoir', 'plb_city' => '67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden', 'plb_latitude' => 48.532051, 'plb_longitude' => 7.734457, 'plb_email' => 'info@tilio.fr', 'plb_phone' => '0811381020', 'plb_fax' => NULL, 'plb_website' => 'http://www.tilio.fr/', 'plb_hasPicture' => 1, 'plb_hasCallcenter' => 1, 'plb_pubDate' => '2013-07-31 10:51:48', 'plb_editDate' => '2014-03-06 15:51:24', 'plb_periodHits' => 263, 'plb_totalHits' => 3176, 'plb_periodShares' => 0, 'plb_totalShares' => 0, 'plt_title' => 'Micro-crèche', 'plt_alias' => 'micro-creche', 'plt_seoTitle' => 'Micro-crèches', 'plt_intro' => 'Micro-crèche', 'plt_text' => '', 'plt_tags' => NULL, 'plt_hasPicture' => 0, 'plt_pictureLegend' => NULL, 'plt_pubDate' => '2011-11-15 18:28:44', 'plt_editDate' => '2012-06-04 15:12:07', 'plt_periodHits' => 0, 'plt_totalHits' => 0, 'plt_periodShares' => 0, 'plt_totalShares' => 0, 'plt_order' => 0, 'ville' => [...], 'departement' => [...], 'region' => [...], 'brand' => [...], 'type' => [...], 'base36_id' => 'dku', ...], '_modules' => [0 => 'main', 1 => 'address', 2 => 'blog', 3 => 'faq', 4 => 'glossary', 5 => 'news', 6 => 'page', 7 => 'place', 8 => 'shortnews', 9 => 'webdirectory']]) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Lib/Mvc/Renderer/HttpRenderer/Layout.php:81 0.1190 6456088 17. Milk\Component\View->render() /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Lib/Mvc/Renderer/HttpRenderer.php:119 0.1194 6520832 18. include('/home/allocreche/allocreche.fr/1.1/app/Module/Place/_views/www/place/view.phtml') /home/share/php/lib/Milk/0.5.19/Component/View.php:72 0.1354 6895120 19. MilkApp\Model\Transport\Helper\AbstractAroundHelper->help($parameters = ['latitude' => '48.586624', 'longitude' => '7.661237']) /home/allocreche/allocreche.fr/1.1/app/Module/Place/_views/www/place/view.phtml:339 0.1354 6895120 20. MilkApp\Model\Transport\Helper\AbstractAroundHelper->getTransportAroundHtml($parameters = ['latitude' => '48.586624', 'longitude' => '7.661237']) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/Helper/AbstractAroundHelper.php:50 0.1354 6895120 21. MilkApp\Model\Transport\Helper\AbstractAroundHelper->loadTransports($latitude = '48.586624', $longitude = '7.661237') /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/Traits/AroundHelperTrait.php:128 1.9245 8729016 22. MilkApp\Model\Transport\Transport->loadAllStationsAround($type = 9, $latitude = '48.586624', $longitude = '7.661237', $options = ['precision' => 0.6, 'count' => 4]) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/Traits/AroundHelperTrait.php:196 1.9245 8730032 23. MilkApp\Model\AbstractModel->gets($parameters = ['latitude' => '48.586624', 'longitude' => '7.661237', 'precision' => 0.6, 'count' => 4]) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/Transport.php:71 1.9245 8732568 24. MilkApp\Model\Transport\Bicycle\Station->_gets($parameters = ['latitude' => '48.586624', 'longitude' => '7.661237', 'precision' => 0.6, 'count' => 4], $select = class Milk\Core\Database\Query\SelectQuery { protected $order = ['SELECT' => '', 'DISTINCT' => '', 'COLUMNS' => '', 0 => 'FROM', 'JOINS' => '', 1 => 'WHERE', 2 => 'GROUP BY', 3 => 'HAVING', 4 => 'ORDER BY', 5 => 'LIMIT']; protected $query = ['SELECT' => 'SELECT', 'FROM' => '`transport_bicycle_station-trbs`', 'JOINS' => [...]]; protected $boundValues = []; protected $autoInc = 0; protected $columns = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...]] }) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/AbstractModel.php:304 1.9245 8732568 25. MilkApp\Model\Transport\AbstractStation->applyLatLngParameters($parameters = ['latitude' => '48.586624', 'longitude' => '7.661237', 'precision' => 0.6, 'count' => 4], $select = class Milk\Core\Database\Query\SelectQuery { protected $order = ['SELECT' => '', 'DISTINCT' => '', 'COLUMNS' => '', 0 => 'FROM', 'JOINS' => '', 1 => 'WHERE', 2 => 'GROUP BY', 3 => 'HAVING', 4 => 'ORDER BY', 5 => 'LIMIT']; protected $query = ['SELECT' => 'SELECT', 'FROM' => '`transport_bicycle_station-trbs`', 'JOINS' => [...]]; protected $boundValues = []; protected $autoInc = 0; protected $columns = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...]] }) /home/share/php/cms/Milkcms/0.2.111/_app/Model/Transport/Bicycle/Station.php:155

Comment s'y rendre

En bus


  • 41Arrêt Herrenwasser à 86 m
  • 240Arrêt Muhlbach à 410 m

Sélectionnez une ligne pour voir l'arrêt.

AlloCreche 67

AlloCreche, le portail de la petite enfance, vous fournit la liste des crèches du Bas-Rhin, mais aussi des infos, actualités locales du 67, conseils pratiques, etc. Consultez par exemple les structures à Strasbourg, Haguenau, Schiltigheim, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, Lingolsheim et dans les villes de ce département.

Le grand site de la petite enfance